About us

Who are we?
Welcome to Loughton Methodist Church (LMC).
We are a church seeking to encourage, enable and equip individuals in their Christian faith and to serve our local area by sharing life, doing mission and building community.
In John 10:10, Jesus says that he has 'come so that they can have life and have it to the full'. LMC wants to encourage everyone to share that life of faith to the full. LMC strives to be a church that supports mission and builds community. We feel this grows from our faith, exampled by Jesus in John 15:12: 'My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.'
You will be made very welcome whether you join us for a Sunday service, in Wesley’s café or at one of our other events.
We are proud to be part of the Methodist Church UK, standing on that heritage of preaching the gospel, social justice and a welcome for all. For 150 years, LMC has been a church striving to do God's will in the heart of Loughton. We are excited for the next 150 years.